User Manual

Merchant Pack


The UFOBot Merchant Pack contais:

- Affiliate vendor, with 15% commission

- Texture logos and ads to you in your store

- UFOBot Banner: an special AD that gives to who touch it the manuals and a link to official store

- UFOBot - Store Sign: an special object that will list your store in the official website


Affiliate Vendor

The affiliate vendor is based in the CarperVend, using a custom mesh. Just rezz the vendor, give the debit permissions, and it is done. You can resize the vendor.

The vendor will pay 15% commission in each sale (but cannot sell to it's owner, the affiliate).


How to use the UFOBot - Store Sign

The sign was made to act as a welcome rug, laying in the ground. It turns possible to visitors arrive in the entrance of you store, above the sign, if your store/land has a teleport routing set to anywhere. Putting it in vertical in a wall will make visitors arrive in the wall. So, let the sign in the ground, and use the provided textures for walls. If you land has a fixed landing point, you can put the sign anywhere.

To put it to work, follow the steps:

1 - Rezz the Store Sign and put it in the desired position. You can also resize it.

2 - If you want a different description that the one in your land, fill the object's descriptions (max 128 chars). If you want to use the parcel description, leave the description blank.

3 - Touch the sign to register it in the server. All done!

If you want to change the description or position, just make the changes and touch the sign again to update it in the server.